Saturday, July 1, 2017

Day 32

June 30, 2017
Don’t look now but half the year is gone.  So we need to get busy and get busy we did, up at 5 AM, got prepared to depart Dawson Creek on the Alaska Highway, 75 years old this year and quite an engineering and construction feat.  Our first stop was to see and cross the Kiskatinaw River Bridge, wooden and very high above the river, built in 1942.

The road was amazingly good for quite a few miles and at 60 MPH we witnessed a black bear break out of the tree line on the side of the road, get just to the edge of the road and change it’s mind and romp back into the woods, all before Iris could get her camera up.  Thrilling to see but wish we had a photo.  We had a stop at Fort St John where we enjoyed the museum of the history of the area including much about the construction of the Alaska Highway.  From here the road situation deteriorated with some really rough spots and lots of construction/patching.  We had a long wait for a flag person due to the laying of oil and small gravel to patch frost heaves, lots of dust, lots of traffic and at one place already completed the loose gravel was sprayed on our front by a speeding big truck resulting in a windshield ding right in the center of our glass.  Strong words and a prayer for the other driver.  

A quick lunch stop at Pink Mountain for a chicken sandwich prepared in the Unity and we were on our way again.  Paul and Susan from Trinidad. CO drove along with us today.  We arrived at 3:30 PM at our stop for the night at Fort Nelson BC.  Upon arrival Iris went with the group to the museum while Bob waited in vain for a windshield repair person.  After returning from the museum where Iris had talked to a fellow traveler that had glass repair kits from RainX.  He came over and made the repair of the glass and hopefully tomorrow will have sunshine to cure the material.  Apparently these things are available at Walmart.  281 miles today and we were exhausted so we fixed our dinner of fillet of sole sautéed in butter and caesar salad, Yum!  Got the bed turned down and intended to read but Bob was gone before his head hit the pillow.  Iris made it a little longer with Jack Reacher.
The bridge at Fort St John
 Arctic motorhome (from Museum at Fort St John
 Us at Fort St John
 Where the bear went!
 View along the Alaska Highway
 Bob at Fort St John

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