Friday, July 28, 2017

Day 59

July 27, 2017
This morning about 7:30 we had a call from Dee & Richard in Georgetown.  They confirmed that our new (old) car had been delivered last night to them in Georgetown.  Bob had received an email back in early June from the owner of the 1986 Panther Kallista that she wanted to sell.  She had gotten Bob’s info from an ad on the Panther Car Club web site.  After several emails back and forth, inspection by Road Ready Inspections, conversations with the mechanic that has serviced the car a price was agreed and paid and transport arranged to get the car from Cape Cod to Georgetown.  It’s going to be a lot of work but we’re looking forward to it.   This is what it looks like.

Travel day today.  55 degrees this morning, cloudy but about 20 miles from Anchorage the sun came out.  It didn’t get any warmer but it made us feel better.  The drive was just a shade over 200 miles today with some great scenery including mountains, the Turnagain Arm, lots of rivers and creeks, many of which had fishermen slaying salmon.  We also saw three moose - a female and two calves, but no photos.  

We stopped at a rest area to have our lunch, taking just a few minutes as we plan to have a meal tonight.  

We arrived at our campground just outside Homer about 2 PM, got set up and our view out our side window is the Kachemak Bay and a beautiful sight it is.

Bob grilled pork and Iris made a salad for our dinner.

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