Sunday, July 16, 2017

Day 46

July 14, 2017
Up early for our drive to the Riverboat Discovery III where we got our tickets from Everett and got in line to board the vessel for our 9:00 AM departure.  

We had a narrated cruise on the Chena & Tanana Rivers aboard this sternwheeler.  Along our route we passed the moored Discovery II and Discovery I (from the 1950’s).  

A bush pilot gave us a demo on the river by taxiing along the river then taking off on the pontoons, flying around and landing again on the water.

We stopped at the center created by Susan Butcher and her husband for a sled dog demonstration and to see the dogs in action.

About now they announced the free blueberry donuts and coffee were ready so we had to have some of both.  The next stop was the Athabascan Fish Camp where we learned about living in a fish camp and how fish was prepared for smoking.

Then a visit to an Athabascan Village where we were able to see how the native population lived before and after the white man arrived.

We had lunch at the “Cookie Jar” then got our dirty Fit cleaned up.  Now we can see what is tar with the dirt and bugs gone.  A stop at Fred Meyer’s to stock up on necessities.  Back at the Unity we attended the daily briefing about the next day’s activities and after a light supper it was off to bed.

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