Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Day 48

July 16, 2017
Leisurely got ready for our day and we were at the Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum that was recommended to us by Allan and Eleanor as they were there a few weeks ago.  We arrived at exactly 10 AM and were the first customers of the day..    We started with the oldest car from 1898 

and worked our way through 1937 Packard, the newest car. 

There were many beauties in between.  

It was all pre-WW II autos, all in fantastic condition and all but three are taken out in the summer and driven.  You would think Iris would not enjoy this but each car is displayed with a mannequin with a dress from the period of the car’s manufacture along with hats, displays of waist pinchers and children’s clothes.  

All in all a very enjoyable two hours.  Bob had to have a t-shirt with the emblem of the museum on the front and the back message “TOO BAD THE PEOPLE THAT REALLY KNOW HOW TO RUN THIS COUNTRY SPEND ALL THEIR TIME WORKING ON OLD CARS”.  Probably true!

A stop at Walmart was essential before getting back to the Unity for a sandwich for our late lunch.  At 5:30 PM we joined our other participants for a drive to the Pioneer Village where we enjoyed a salmon bake with not only salmon but fried cod, prime rib, salad bar, desserts and drinks.  

We were a little surprised that the food was good.  After the meal we strolled over to the Palace Theater for a stage show with 5 actors that gave a baudy history of Fairbanks.
Fun!  The drive back was quick and we were back to the Unity by 10:30 pm and to bed.

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