Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Day 33

July 1, 2017
Wow, what a day!  We left Fort Nelson about 8 AM, stopped for fuel, all in the rain.  Turning north again we trie climbed to Summit Pass, the highest summit on the Alaska Highway with some great views of the surrounding country.   We had a stop to admire a bear and while looking at him a second crossed the road behind us and we got a quick photo of him too.

We made a stop at the Toad River Lodge known for the huge and tasty cinnamon rolls which we each had one, about the size of a salad plate with milk and coffee.  It was all it was touted to be.  This place is also known for the caps that people have stapled to the ceiling, at last count there was 1,291 plus the one Susan left.

Shortly after leaving Toad River we encountered a moose cow with calf feeding on the side of the road.  we were very close.

Then Mountain Goats that gravitate to the road side to lick the salt that is used to melt the ice in winter.  They are a little scuffy as they are losing their winter coat.
 Another mountain goat was further along the road.

Later a herd of seven Longhorn Sheep.

Some more great scenery now that the rain has stopped.  Muncho Lake is a beautiful blue color caused by the leaching of copper from the cliffs above the lake.

We had given up on seeing a Wood Bison in spite of all the signs warning us about them on the road but 1.7 miles for our destination, Liard Hot Springs BC we encountered two of them along the road.

Arriving at our campground, primitive, as the power is from two huge generators as this is off the grid.  We had a walk into the provincial park to see the boardwalk through the wetlands to the hot springs.  We did not go in but many did and thought the water was very hot.  It flows from one pool into a lower pool where the water is a little cooler.  Lot of folks enjoying the water and most looked the same as we would in bathing suits.

!89 miles today.  Back to campground where we had a short meeting to outline tomorrow’s activities.  Then fixed our dinner in the Unity and to bed.

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