Friday, July 7, 2017

Day 38

July 6, 2017
No activity until 9:15 AM this morning so we got some wifi stuff done before meeting our group for our drive to the Yukon Wildlife Preserve, a unique viewing property featuring 10 species of northern Canadian mammals in their natural environment.  Over 700 acres with various natural habitats, it offers wildlife viewing and photo ops.  Our orientation by Pete was on a viewing platform close to the visitor center where they have the elk enclosures.  There was a 12 year old bull with a big rack and a yearling with antlers, but much smaller.  One of them will have to be relocated soon.

Then to see the bald eagle that was injured and found foraging in the town land fill.  He was brought in for treatment of a broken wing and due to the long time without care he won’t be able to be released back into the wild so he is now a star of the place.

The female mule deer enclosure:

The wood bison are very shy so these photos were from very far away.  There were two new calves.

Female mountain sheep:

Male mountain sheep:

Mountain goats were shedding their winter coats, some were already complete:

The arctic fox was changing from his winter white to summer grey:

Male caribou and calf:

Three-legged fox rescued:

Red fox:

Baby moose (400 lbs.)

And finally the beautiful musk ox:

This is non-native animal:

The lunch again at the Klondike Ribs & Salmon, this time with the BBQ ribs, Yum!  The for a fun afternoon at Elements, a spa for massage, hair salon, manicures and pedicures.  We were there for the pedicures and it was a good talking to the two girls that worked on us.  So after this enjoyable (and expensive) treatment we went back to the Unity and shortly after arrival we had a knock at the door by our neighbor, also in a Unity.  She had us look out our kitchen window and behold, there was another Unity owned by a couple from Quebec, french speakers.  We spent the evening trying to make our plans for when we get to Sequoia National Park in California.  To bed early as tomorrow is a big driving day.

48 degrees this morning and 75 by mid-afternoon.  Beautiful sunshine all day.

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