Thursday, July 27, 2017

Day 58

July 26, 2017
Today is the day for Iris to get a haircut.  Appointment was made at Salon Ivy for 10 AM and we were there right on time.  Bob enjoyed being served coffee and reading his Kindle.  Iris got the treatment.  From there we drove out to see our original house (as a married couple), 2022 Stonegate Circle.  The outside looked mostly like it did 42 years ago when we bought it, don’t know what the inside looks like.

Then to the Cattle Company restaurant that we used to frequent on a regular basis when we lived here.  Had a very nice lunch then drove by Bob’s office when he worked here and back to the Unity for a nap.  At 6 PM we went to the campground’s covered patio where we had lots of pizza from the Moose’s Tooth, supposedly the best pizza in Anchorage with beer and wine.  Very enjoyable evening including the ice cream for dessert.

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