Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Day 56

July 25, 2017
We had an early start by driving downtown, parked at the public lot across from the Hilton Westward Hotel on 3rd street that used to be the center of the universe in 1975.  It now has a huge addition to the original tower and instead of the huge polar bear in the lobby it now has that plus a grizzly bear both stuffed and standing side by side.  

From the hotel we walked a couple of blocks to the Visitor Center

where we boarded our trolley

for a guided tour of Anchorage.
Captain Cook Hotel - original building on right where we stayed before our house was ready.
 Eisenhower Statehood Monument
 Alaska Railroad "Moose gooser" used to clear tracks of animals before the regular train.

Much has changed from 1975-78 when we lived here.  Population then was 100,000 now 300,000.  We made our way to the suburbs to meet Sandy for lunch.  Sandy worked with Bob in Alaska then Mexico three different times and Saudi Arabia.  He finished his career in Anchorage working for Veco that had been a subcontractor to Brown & Root in the 1970’s.  We had a great time remembering people we had worked with over the years.  As usual for Sandy he presented a gift to Iris of prayer beads from Saudi plus an album of photos from our departure party in Saudi.  He presented Bob with a glitzy poster commemorating the completion of the pipeline (first oil) in 1977.

From here we went to the Anchorage Museum, housed in a wonderful building but the exhibits were not nearly as good as we had seen at the U of A Museum in Fairbanks so we were a little disappointed.  It had a section from the Smithsonian that was good, but not large.

Back to the Unity for happy hour and some steak snacks from our Double Musky Inn leftovers, watched a movie and then to bed.

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