Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Day 35

July 3, 2017
55 degrees this morning but nice sunshine.  Oops, it just went cloudy.  Our drive today will be 147 miles, getting better.  Breakfast and we were the last of our group to get away from the Watson Lake campground and the drive was mostly uneventful.  We did stop at the Rancheria Falls for a short walk from the parking lot to the viewing point.  Met a nice couple from Ontario that agreed to take a photo for us.  

Leaving there Iris spotted a bear far in the distance and when we got stopped he decided to escape by running behind us so a photo was out.  Continuing on we came to The Nisutlin Bay Bridge, the longest bridge on the Alaska Highway, built in 1942 and it’s rough.  

Arriving at our camping spot at Yukon Motel RV in Teslin we got set up, had our lunch (the last of our HEB filets) and proceeded to the restaurant, famous for it’s strawberry rhubarb pie (with ice cream).  Leaving that we went to the George Johnson Museum.  George was a native that was a very successful trapper, bought a 1928 Chevrolet that was delivered by paddle-wheeler to Teslin where he and some friends cleared a 14 mile track for George to operate a taxi service.  He ordered a camera and proceeded to record the happenings in the Tlingit village.  All that is on display in the museum including the 1928 Chevrolet.  George was an amazing person especially considering that he was a member of the “First Nation” at a time when they were discriminated against.  We were bushed by now so back to the Unity for a quick nap before happy hour scheduled for 6 PM when we are to have wine and cheese with a campfire BUT it’s raining so we have had to postpone that until tomorrow night.  Instead we invited our neighbors, Susan and Paul (mentioned earlier in the blog) for wine

and they brought cheese and crackers.  A fun evening visiting.

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