Sunday, July 16, 2017

Day 47

July 15, 2017
Our first activity today was the University of Alaska Fairbanks Botanical Gardens.

We enjoyed a stroll around the gardens viewing the garden and flowers.

Using the coordinates for the University of Alaska Museum of the North we ended up in the driveway of a bush house (obviously something is wrong) but finally using the map we found the museum.

Great displays about the history of Alaska

One thing interesting was that the US government, during WW II put Aleuts from the far western islands in internment camps in lower Alaska for the duration of the war for fear they would be Japanese sympathizers.  Not all were put in US camps as the far islands were occupied by the Japanese and they took Aleuts from there and sent them to POW camps in Japan.  Horrible treatment of these folks.  No photos of this display (too upsetting).
Back at the Unity we grilled the ribeye we had bought at Delta.  Then a much-needed nap before the ice cream social at 6 PM in our campground at the pavilion by the river.  Some of the group played games, we watched, then strolled back toward the Unity.  We spotted a big motorhome with Texas plates so had a chat with him.  He and his wife are in Alaska from May until August visiting a son living here.

Back in the Unity we read a while and then to bed.

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