Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Day 42

July 10, 2017

Up early getting ready to pull out for Destruction Bay today, 200 miles by driving back on the Haines Highway to the Canadian border and back to Haines Junction where we had left the Alaska Highway to go to Haines last Friday.  Arriving in Haines Junction we found the Village Bakery for lunch of soup, quiche and a sweet for dessert.  Also bought cinnamon rolls for tomorrow’s breakfast.  Saw one black bear but too late to get a photo but the scenery was fantastic.

Back on the Alaska Highway that was a little bumpy but not nearly as bad as we had been advised, we saw a grizzly feeding on the side of the road.  Iris got some great photos:

Arrived at our campground just outside Destruction Bay about 2:30 as we had another one hour change back to Canada time when we crossed the border this morning.
Got our campsite all set up with our 15 amp electric and because of the bears we have to take all our rubbish out with us when we leave, no facilities for garbage here.  

The lake here is receding due to the glacier that fed the lake no longer provides melt.  The glacier has receded to the point that its melt flows into another river.  Scientists say that in a few years the lake level will be half its original level.
 This used to be an island far offshore

Our update from our leader cautioned us that tomorrow’s drive is only 132 miles but due to the condition of the road it will take 4-5 hours.  This will be mostly on the stuff that breaks windshields.  We’ll see.  After three tries we got our DVD player to accept a disk so we watched a film before bedtime.

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