Friday, June 30, 2017

Day 31

June 29, 2017
This morning turned out nice and sunny after such a day yesterday in the rain.  We had some chores that we had to do in Grande Prarie AB before we could get going, wash Unity and the Fit at a truck wash, nice to have someone else do the work.  Then fuel fill-up and another stop for propane fill-up.  Finally we were on the road toward Dawson Creek BC.  Along the way Iris spotted a herd of caribou, probably about 50 animals.

We did see one moose up close but it had been hit by a truck along the road.  Speaking of trucks, this is a booming oil and gas region and the trucks and pickup traffic is unbelievable.  All the major players in the oil service business are here and all the campgrounds are full of workers.  We arrived in Dawson Creek at 12:30 PM including a one hour time change as we continue west.  Dawson Creek is about 55,000 population and a lot of it is oil field related also.  We found the Walmart to stock up for a few days of travel on the Alcan Highway.  Dawson Creek is mile zero of the Alaska Highway.

Checked into the campground, Mile Zero RV Park, met the tour manager and the tail gunner, attended a meet and greet at 5 PM then at 6 PM we all went to George Dawson Inn for orientation and a nice buffet dinner.  Stopping at the highway sign that shows mile zero we had a group photo that will be put on Facebook for our trip (lot of good it does us), we’ll ask for a copy by email.

There are 13 rigs making 26 total folks including our tour master and tail gunner.  The RV sizes range from 21’ to 45’, ours being 25’ 1”, we’re in the lower range.  To bed early but later than usual.

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