Monday, June 5, 2017

Day 6

June 4, 2017
Up at 6, big Sunday breakfast, prepared to depart Onawa.  Rained during the night so this morning lots of robin birds were busy looking for food under the cottonwood trees.  Our first stop was in Onawa for fuel then we hit the IH-29 going north.  Iowa and North Dakota are very similar, lots of fields, crops, irrigation equipment, cows and flat land.
There was no natural border between these two states.  All of a sudden you see a sign that says “Welcome to South Dakota”.  One of the interesting billboards shortly after crossing into SD was:
“Eat steak, wear fur, keep you guns, the American way”.

We had our lunch in a Walmart parking lot along the way, cooked in, washed up and off we went again to arrive in Summit, SD at the County Line RV Park where we spent the night.  248 miles today.
 Above - Iowa, below - South Dakota - Notice the difference.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying your blog. Partly because i'll be driving in that area in August. Better in June, but I can't tell the moon what to do :)
    Did not know about the huge casino - amazing. Guess those poor people don't have much else fun to do.
    Happy travels - keep up the good work.
