Thursday, June 8, 2017

Day 8

June 6, 2017
Glad to leave our campground and the 1/2 mile gravel road back to the pavement.  Pulled into Flying J truck stop to top up on fuel.  The attendant pulled up our loyalty card by phone number and we got 8 cent/gallon discount.  Yea!  Very windy drive north today past several huge grain storage facilities, one had empty rail hopper cars lined up for about 5 miles waiting to load.  They do grow some grain here.  Traffic was very light and we arrived at the Canadian border station just 15 miles south of Winkler, Manitoba, our destination.  We were behind just one vehicle and the female agent took our passports inside for about 5 minutes and returned with the usual questions including “Do you have any guns?” and asked if we had like cases of booze.  We answered no to both, she smiled and told us to enjoy Canada.  Didn’t even come in the coach.  Iris thought she looked like Ann Margaret with a glock pistol on her hip.  A few minutes and we arrived in Winkler and easily found the Leisure Travel Vans factory and service facility.  Met Steve, service manager, got the coach set up with power and water, had lunch next door at a nice tea room (great dessert), found the coin laundry, bank (1.29 Canadian dollars = 1 US$) and car wash.  Folks, this was a car wash - drive up to an overhead door that rises, into a large room, then you select a divided space and pressure wash your vehicle, $6 to clean our Honda Fit.  Seems overkill now but in the winter that’s the only way to wash a car.  When finished you pull up to the exit door that opens and you’re outside and away.  Found Walmart so no cultural adjustment necessary.  Past time for happy hour so back to the coach and some satellite TV.  
 Arriving Canada
 Is this a grain elevator or a Disney ride?
 New LTV's ready to ship
 Iris at the LTV service center

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