Thursday, June 29, 2017

Day 30

June 28.2017
Today started with 41 degrees. it had rained all night and into the time we decided to depart.  Got going onto the Trans Canada 16 for the first 43 miles, then Hwy. 40 supposedly the “Scenic Route to Alaska”.  In the first few miles we saw a coyote and an elk (female, no horns), then nothing.   Hwy. 40 was a really rough road for the first 25 miles then it got better with lots of evidence of works since the thaw.  Iris sat all day with the camera at the ready but no wildlife.  We stopped for lunch at a rest area and had a nice salad and sausages then continued on through the rain for a total today of 243 miles.  All along the way there was logging, oil, gas, and coal being extracted along muddy roads.  Some so muddy that huge equipment was required to haul the big trucks in and out of these roads.  The last 10 miles the rain stopped and the road was dry.  We found our planned RV park and decided to park on the main parking lot as we could get wifi there and not anywhere else.  Had a sandwich for dinner, a glass(s) of wine and read our books until bedtime.

Photos for the day in no particular order:

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