Sunday, June 18, 2017

Days 16, 17,18,19

June 14, 2017
In Cody we had a Walmart fix then started our drive to the east entrance of Yellowstone.  Along the Shoshone River we stopped to cook lunch overlooking the rushing water then shortly entered the National Park.  The drive through the park was spectacular with some stops to see bison, mule deer, and 4 big horn sheep.  Yellowstone Lake is truly beautiful especially when viewing the snow covered mountains across the lake.  Leaving Yellowstone we drove on the John D Rockefeller Jr Parkway to enter Grand Teton National Park and the Headwaters Campground at Flagg Ranch.  Snow melt has left the campground a little damp but we have a nice wooded site.  Both of us a really tired after the drive with very high winds on the curving roads.  A quiet evening before going to bed early.  Looking forward to tomorrow.
Big Horn Sheep
 Mule Deer
Bob cooking lunch in motorhome beside the Shoshone River

 Above & Below:  Our lunch place on the Shoshone River.

June 15, 2017
38 degrees this AM.  Early away for a drive back into Yellowstone.  Our campground is 2 miles from the south entrance.  The is the first exercise for the Fit in quite a while.  Using our Senior Pass to re-enter the park saved us $30 for an entry pass, some advantage in getting mature.  Immediately the Snake River Canyon makes a startling appearance followed by tranquil Lewis Lake then turned west for “Old Faithful”.  This is now a huge commercial complex with hotels, restaurants, gift shops, clinic and ranger station.  We made our way to the benches set up around the geyser, found a good vantage spot with the sun behind us and waited a long time for the performance at 12:05 PM.  It lasted about 5 minutes.  This geyser reaches heights of 104-184 feet, with temperature of 204 degrees F, happens every 90 minutes and releases 3,700-8,400 gallons of water each time.  We had the buffet lunch at the Old Faithful Inn (save your money).  Then the drive back with stops at Kapler Cascades to see the waterfalls followed by a stop at Lewis Lake Falls.  The hight point today was 8,290 feet leaving lots of snow along the roadside and in the forests.  It also leaves us huffing and puffing.  Back at the campground Bob did the laundry while Iris cleaned the motorhome.  Tired, big day, 8 PM found us in bed.
Old Faithful Inn

Old Faithful
Kapler Cascades
Lewis Falls

June 16, 2017
55 degrees F this AM, rain!  Slow morning hoping the rain would stop and finally a break so into the car and away to the Flagg Ranch Lodge for weather forecast (no cell service, no internet) and decided to try going south to find a cell signal.  We drove to the six mile point and got 2 bars so went another 15 miles and got 3 bars. We were able to get our emails and make some phone calls but the signal was not strong enough for hot spot.  Returning to the lodge we had a coffee before making our way back to the motorhome.  Had a late lunch, nap and the sun came out but only briefly.  During the night we had some very heavy rains that lasted several hours.  Grand Teton was expected to have heavy thunderstorms so I guess it happened as we were just north of the entrance to Grand Teton.  Tomorrow will be better.
Flowers inside our campground.

View of the Tetons from our campsite.

June 17, 2017

Still looks like rain.  But after breakfast we drove north again into Yellowstone and the sun came out big time.  We had some great views across the Yellowstone River to the Grand Tetons.  We drove slow trying to see some wildlife through all the thick trees and along the burned areas from the 1988 fires that left thousands of tall pine trees still standing but dead but with new growth trying to blend in.  We arrived at the Lake Hotel where we celebrated our 42nd anniversary in fine style overlooking the lake.  After lunch it was further north to the impressive LeHardys Rapids on the Yellowstone River, Mud Volcano and Sulpher Caldron. The landscape changed to meadows where we saw numerous bison (some far away and some very close), geese and near Canyon Village we saw a reclining mule deer with velvet antlers.  The river at this point is narrowed by the rock formations and where it flows under the bridge it provides some very rapid water flows.  At this point we decided it was time to return so we reversed our direction and enjoyed seeing the reclining bison still stopping traffic so we got another photo to remember him.  No cell signal all day today.  Back to the campground and there came a knock on our door by Jack, a Unity owner staying in the park.  So we had a visit comparing motorhomes.  He was headed to Winkler for a rally.  Another early night (we finally realized our early nights are 9-10 PM on our body clock).
42nd Anniversary at Lake Inn
 Iris at LaHardys Rapids
 Reclining bison
 Reclining mule deer w/velvet antlers
 Same reclining bison as we returned
 Mud Volcano
 Yellowstone River where it narrows and makes rapids

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