Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Day 22

June 20, 2017
From Garrison we headed for Glacier NP.  The drive was mostly on scenic highways, all two-lane and all with lots of construction areas but it was the most beautiful scenic drive to date.  We finally found a pull-out to have our lunch and after that (as usual) we found a better more scenic place.  We stopped for fuel at one place and the pump stopped at $0.07.  We spent half-hour while their technician tried to fix the pump and he only succeeded in putting all the pumps out of commission.  So away we went to find fuel at the next village at a penny/gallon more - $2.69.  We passed the entrance to Glacier NP but continued on to our campground at Glacier Haven in Essex.  Sites are very unlevel but finally found one that we could get level with our new jacks.  Bob dragged the dirty clothes off to the laundry (new) and we did not even try to set up the satellite due to the trees in the park.  Tired again so early night.
Beautiful scenery today.
 Crossing the Flathead River
 Bear grass found everywhere
 Flathead River
 Lots of patriots here

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