Monday, June 12, 2017

Day 13

June 11, 2017
Reluctantly left Lee and Lorraine and headed west on Highway 200 for 40 miles, turned south on Highway 3 for another 40 miles, turned west again on IH-94 past the state capital of Bismarck where the landscape changed from flat farmland to rolling hills.  It was a beautiful drive.  There are natural low spots in the fields that are wetlands, some shallow with grass growing in them, some look like a small tank (pond) and some have formed into lakes.  Quite scenic.  We stopped at Walmart, got fuel at New Salem where we took a photo of the world’s largest holstein cow (a statue).  We arrived Dickinson ND where we spent the night at North Park Campground and due to the time change we arrived about 1:30 PM  Fixed some lunch, had a nap then watched some TV.  Very windy all day today so Iris declined the invitation to drive.  

We’ve now been 1,934 miles since we left Georgetown.

 Rest stop built to look like a vintage gas station
 Sweetbriar Lake
 World's largest Holstein cow at New Salem ND

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