Thursday, June 1, 2017

Day 2

May 31, 2017
After the anniversary breakfast with Marie and Wendall we traveled today from the Winstar casino to Edmond OK through huge wheat and hay fields.  Lots of fields just look like grazing pastures but no cows.  ?  We reached Edmond and arrived at Burianella’s house just at noon.  Burianella was a friend when we lived in Stavanger, Norway back in the early 1980’s.  We went to lunch and came back to the house for home-made chocolate cake WOW!.  After a too-short visit we left and drove on to Perry, OK where the town has an RV park overlooking a lake, unfortunately it was very muddy from recent rains but still a pretty and windy spot.  Bob had a hard time getting the satellite dish aimed at the southern sky (Oh, that southern sky) but finally we were set.  So happy hour overlooking the lake in this park with 11 sites and only us here.  Quiet!

192 miles today.

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