Friday, June 23, 2017

Day 23

June 21, 2017
Spent last night listening to the trains on one side and traffic from Highway 2 on the other.  Nice campground but noisy.  We got a late start needing to make some calls;  the campground does not have cell coverage and their wifi is a joke.  Drove a couple of villages south to get a cell signal, did our business and finally entered Glacier NP about noon.  Then a beautiful drive along Lake McDonald to the McDonald Lodge where we had a lovely lunch salad and dessert at Jammer Joe’s Cafe.
Jammer was the term for the drivers of the vintage cars built by Ford for touring  the park in the late 1930’s.  They have been rebuilt several times by Ford and have all modern Ford mechanicals.  Jammer - short for “Gear jammer”.

We were hoping to see bears but the area for them was closed due to them becoming too familiar with cars and people on the trails so they were closed.  We did see wildlife from the window of Jammer Joe’s Cafe.

Then a drive to the furtherest point open in the park for some great scenery (no bears).  The “Going to the Sun” road is closed due to 70 foot snow drifts at the highest point that have to be cleared before traffic can get through.  Maybe they won’t get it cleared at all and next winter’s snow will just be added on top.  Note:  reasons to live in Texas.
Back to our campground where Iris did the remaining laundry and we grilled some lamb chops for our dinner.  These were in our freezer but wrapped by us at home and we fear that Canada will not allow them in if not in the original packaging.  We were forced to eat well tonight.

Today was 58 degrees to start the day and the high was 80 so our furnace and A/C are confused.  Tomorrow Canada again.
Lake McDonald
 Dessert at lunch (shared)
 McDonald Falls
 Our entry into the park

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