Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Day 7

June 5, 2017
This was the first night we had to get up during the night and put on a blanket and fire up the furnace.  It had been 91 the previous afternoon but this morning it was 58.  We topped up on fuel at Summit and Iris drove us further north and we had a snack at a rest area before continuing.  The scenery has changed and everything has turned green in spite of the radio reporting that ND is in drought.  These folks here (there is less than 600,000 inhabitants in ND) are patriotic.  We passed barns and silos with huge painted American flags.  Lots of pickups, large farms, not much traffic on IH-29.  Looks like a good place to live (in the summer).  Red and white stripped gates tied back now but capable of being swung out across the highway at exits would force you off the road during blizzard conditions.  Not our choice but enjoyable to be here now.
Arrived our campground in Grand Forks, ND, an old KOA turned independent and not well maintained but OK for one night.  Got the O-Grill out and had some great HEB lamb chops and salad.  Yum!  At check-in we received our package from Amazon of the replacement dash camera so we can hopefully get some video of scenery in Alaska.

Tomorrow we will cross into Canada and we’re anxious after the tales from our friends, Allan & Eleanor about how they treat Texans (apparently Canada thinks all Texans are trying to smuggle guns into the country).  We thought a nap was in order but phone kept us busy.  No satellite TV due to the trees so watched a little TV on the local station.
These grain storage complexes appear about every five miles.  Much of the truck traffic is large grain haulers.
 Our campsite at Grand Forks

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