Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Day 20

June 18, 2017
42 degrees this AM!  After breakfast we headed south to the Grand Tetons National Park and the drive was fantastic.  On the way we stopped at one of the Park Service Information Centers where as soon as we turned off the main road we saw a car stopped in the road, looking right we saw the cinnamon black bear walking away from the road through the trees.  We turned right at the next road and stopped and sure enough the bear walked in a straight line close to us.  See the photos:

We went about five more miles and parked at another lodge building that had wi-fi.  Thus the 4 days of our adventure went out at once.  This site suggested places to maybe spot moose but we were unsuccessful.  Then we passed through the elk area but again no luck.  By now we were very close to the Tetons and took some great photos (we think).

Leaving the park from the south we drove into Jackson where we parked only half block from the square, walked around and surveyed the expensive shops and had to photograph the square entrance made of antlers.

 We chose “The Merry Piglets”, a Mexican restaurant, where we were surprised that our meal was fantastic.  Driving back into Grand Tetons park we stopped for two large  herds of bison close to the road, probably 200 animals,
 What's wrong with this picture?  5-legged bison?

followed by a stop for what we thought were bison but in fact was a large herd of black angus cattle.  The rest of the drive back was uneventful but not because Iris was not trying to find a moose.  The temps by mid-afternoon were 70+ so very pleasant.  Tomorrow we will travel north en route to Glacier National Park where we were told the “Going to the Sun” road was closed due to 70 foot snow drifts in the highest pass.  The adventure continues.

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