Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Day 15

July 13, 2017

Big problem this AM, freezer door won’t open.  Pulled, pushed, pried, nothing worked.  So called ahead to Billings to a big RV dealer and they said they would look at it.  Had our breakfast without fruit (trapped in the freezer), broke camp and started off through some fantastic scenery.  The Yellowstone river is still following IH-94 (maybe the river was there first).  We crossed the river a couple of time as it took the slow route while our road was mostly straight.  Went through Rosebud, where last night the storm warnings were, Big Horn, Custer, made famous by some general, Pompys Pillar, and Billings, where we stopped.  The technician was able to force the door open then based on the manufacturer’s input he removed the latch, ordered a new door to be sent to Kalispell, MT to be there when we arrive on June 20.  In the meantime we hope the door stays shut and should except if we make a hard left turn.  So back on the road.  We had lunch at a Red Lobster just outside Billings then drove on 2-lane roads to Cody, WY where we were booked at a RV park and trout farm.  Most expensive camp so far but they had a nice laundry and we got half our dirties done.  We were very tired so early to bed.
Yellowstone River along IH-94 near Billings MT
 Scenery along IH-94 near Billings MT
 Scenery near Cody WY
 First snow sighting near Cody WY
 Scenery near Cody WY.  Photo taken from our campsite

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