Saturday, June 10, 2017

Day 11

June 9, 2017
Slept in (this means we went to bed at 8 PM last night and slept until 6 AM this morning).  Leisurely breakfast then hooked up the Fit and began our return to the USA.  Using the same crossing as 4 days ago but we had to clear US Customs & Immigration not Ann Margaret with the glock.  Some difference.  No questions about guns but they are very worried about Canadian tomatoes and peppers coming into the USA.  Then onto two lane roads that were fine until we got to the point where they were rebuilding a 20 mile section and we had to stop and wait for the pilot car coming from the other direction.  We chatted with a nice lady holding the stop sign for about 20 minutes and finally away on very bad road base so at the first opportunity we turned south (we were proceeding west) to avoid the construction.  After much changing of roads we arrived at Carrington ND the home of Lee & Lorraine that we have cruised with before.  They have built a new house  so we had the grand tour (understatement), saw Lee’s trophies from his hunts all over the world, Lorraine had fixed a wonderful dinner that we enjoyed with lots of talk and laughter.  It had been windy all day but now it got serious with rain and hail that started small like bb’s and ended up like golf balls.  It finally passed and then the sun came out.  Upon inspection we found dents in the Fit roof and one place on the Unity hood.  That’s what insurance is for.  Bob and Lee shot pool while Loraine and Iris visited until bedtime.  During the night another front came through with lots of wind, lightening and thunder with a little rain but it was over in about 15 minutes.

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