Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Day 21

June 19, 2017
We departed our campground, re-entered Yellowstone at the south entrance and drove back along Lewis Lake to the earlier stop at Old Faithful and beyond to many more geyser basins, one erupting but not very high.

Leaving all these steaming vents we turned west toward the west entrance to the NP in order to exit the park.  In front we saw cars stopped on the road, on our side just a couple of cars but on the opposite side the traffic was backed up as far as we could see.  The attraction was a bison and calf walking along the side of the road on the opposite side holding up traffic as well as providing photos to the cars.  We were past before we could get a photo and the oncoming traffic was backed up for at least 5 miles.  Simple pleasures!  We exited the park and began our travels in Montana turning out at a historical marker to have our lunch in a beautiful setting with mountains on one side and earthquake lake on the other.  After our lunch we read the historical sign and discovered this was a huge earthquake area that completely changed the landscape in the 1950’s.  Drove a little faster leaving.  Along that stretch we got some great photos of pronghorn, which had alluded us in the park.  After grocery shopping at Walmart in Butte, our stop for the night was Riverfront RV Park at Garrison, MT.  We were pretty tired after such a drive so to bed early.  Mosquitos are fewer here than in Yellowstone.

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