Thursday, August 31, 2017

Day 91

August 28, 2017

No coffee from the tail gunner this morning as we’re on our own now and it sure feels good.  Temperature this morning was 53 degrees.  Left at 9:30, no one insisting we arrive at the next place by a certain time.  So left Prince George,  turned onto the Cariboo Highway that took us through 150 Mile (name of the town),  it was 150 miles from Prince George.  Some great scenery along the way especially the big farm land for hay and wheat which was a huge change from the mountains, glaciers, etc.

Along the rivers there was irrigated land.  Iris spotted a little church along the road in the middle of nowhere.

We had a stop for lunch at a “heritage village” including a church
but could not get level so we drove on until we found a more level spot.  Some random scenes along our route.

Temperature during our drive today ranged from early morning of 53 to 92 in the afternoon and no rain, another huge change.  Arriving in Cache Creek BC about 4 PM we topped up on fuel then saw the DQ so had a blizzard, first in 3 months then found our campground, open only in summer, nice place with lots of trees but too close to the highway so noisy.  Didn’t bother Bob (can’t hear anyway).  First time in a while we’ve had Wifi so we both did some catch up.  No TV though.  Had to run the A/C for the first time in a long time.

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