Monday, August 21, 2017

Day 82

August 19, 2017
Slept late (for us) and had the left over cinnamon roll for a couple of days ago, modified by adding butter, sugar, more cinnamon, then to our 10:00 AM appointment to see the 

Lots of skeletons of animals that lived in this region thousands of years ago.  Many of these bones were found by gold miners using high pressure hoses to remove gravel in order to get at the gold.

We then had to go to the supermarket that had been recommended by the pedicure girls where we found lots to buy followed by a stop at the government wine store before finding the Klondike Salmon and Ribs Restaurant where we had dined twice when we were in Whitehorse before.  The food was just a good as before.  In the afternoon Iris had a nap while Bob watched the Dallas Cowboys pre-season game, started at 7 PM Eastern time but 4 PM here.  Happy hour and a roast beef sandwich got us to an early to bed evening.
Diarama of arctic bear (extinct) on a kill with waiting wolves:

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