Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Day 76

August 13, 2017
Up early for breakfast and a drive to the Robert Service Cabin operated by Parks Canada.  

A young man had us sit in outside theatre seats and presented a biographic  glimpse of Robert Service’s life and especially his life while in residence in Dawson City.  

He read poems by Service and one of our group, Bill (known to us a Moose) recited from memory “The Cremation of Sam McGee”.  

A big hit!  We toured the two room cabin that Service rented while he lived here.  His typewriter that he wrote all his manuscripts on.  Think 1898 i-pad.

One of the best programs we’ve seen on the trip.  Just down the street we visited the Jack London house and had a presentation about Jack’s life and times in Dawson City and surrounds.  Very interesting.

We opted for lunch as by now it was 1:00 PM and found Klondike Kate’s Restaurant where we had brunch, basically eggs benedict with a twist being cornbread, pulled pork, poached eggs with hollandaise sauce and fried potatoes.  Very good.  The waitress told us it was on the menu just for folks from Texas.  In the late afternoon we went to the Dawson City Museum for a history lesson about the town especially the gold rush.  We saw a demonstration of using a “rocker box” for finding gold and a short video about the town.

Then a couple of stops at the two shops selling groceries for some necessary provisions.  Next door to one was a house used as a brothel until 1961 with Dora waving from the upstairs window.  This building was in fairly good condition but several are falling down due to heat in the building causing the permafrost it was built on to melt.

Back to the Unity for happy hour, a snack and to bed. 

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