Monday, August 21, 2017

Day 83

August 20, 2017
No hurry this morning as we only have 105 miles to go plus it’s 48 degrees so not too anxious to get out.  Had a big breakfast then had a very pleasant drive at 45 mph looking for animals but no sightings.  Some great scenery today along the way.

Arrived at our campground in Teslin where we had stayed on the way up, nice pull-through so don’t have to take the car off and we’re only here one night.   Visited the wildlife exhibit attached to the restaurant/campground office/gas station/gift shop that was amazingly done.  Didn’t take the camera.  Bob got a haircut, our neighbor, Jim sent this photo.

Had supper of leftover halibut from Bob’s lunch in Whitehorse, read (no TV) and early to bed.

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