Monday, August 28, 2017

Day 90

August 27, 2017
This is our final day with the group as we travel from Smithers BC to Prince George BC.  Tim Horton donuts at 7:00 AM under the awning of our tail gunner, John, as it’s still raining.  Bob got the donuts and took them back to the Unity as Iris was not ready to get out in the rain.  Once we left we drove in the rain until Houston BC where we saw the world’s largest fishing rod

60 feet tall weighing 800 pounds installed in Steelhead Park very close to the river.  From Houston we drove to Vanderhoof, 19th C headquarters of Hudson Bay Company’s New Caledonia fur trade district.  

The countryside has changed from forest to farmland.

We spotted 3 caribou and a black bear, but we were traveling too fast for a photo.  Arriving at Prince George, we found  Walmart so had to shop a little followed by fuel stop then drove out of town to the campground.  By now the sun had come out, the rain stopped and it was pleasantly warm.  Campground itself is a bust as no TV, no Wifi but no matter at 5:30 PM we headed off to the Carmel Restaurant for our farewell dinner.  The usual praise for what each had enjoyed about the trip and a great prime rib dinner.  Then a final group photo

and it was back to the Unity for bed.

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