Sunday, August 27, 2017

Day 88

August 25, 2017
52 degrees, rain, rain, rain but still got ready for a drive 25 miles up the gravel road from Hyder to see the Salmon Glacier at 10:00 AM.  At 8:30 Susan reported that the trip was postponed due to rain and fog at the glacier and rescheduled for 2 PM.  So no wifi, no TV, no cable, only our books until we fixed our lunch.  At 1:45 we got in the car for the expected caravan but still the concern was that we would not see anything due to the fog.  Iris and I left anyway and drove the gravel road 

to the toe of the glacier where we got these photos.

The drive back was just as bumpy but once we hit the pavement we were only a mile from the Fish Creek Viewing platform. We had a pass good for today given to us by someone leaving the campground.  The result was we again saw all the salmon trying to get upstream to spawn, many of the fish had completed their task and were floating downstream where the gulls were gorging.  After a short wait we were rewarded with the sighting of a small black bear that had made his catch and was hustling back to the forest to have his feast.

Then back to the Unity where Iris fixed some cheese and crackers and we drove across the border into Canada to a much nicer campground where Paul and Susan had moved and had a wine and cheese evening while watching the US TV reports about Hurricane Harvey.  Then back to Alaska to bed.

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