Thursday, August 3, 2017

Day 65

August 2, 2017
A short meeting with our leader then a walk (we drove) to the Seward Museum at 10 AM to see exhibits, most about the 1964 earthquake and its impact on the town.  A drive around town took us by the Anglican Church.

We drove to Ray’s Waterfront, a nice restaurant on the harbor front where we watched sea otters play in the water and had a view of the Regents cruise ship in the harbor for the day.  A very nice lunch and then back to the campground in order to drive as a group to the Exit Glacier, a national park.  We arrived in time to walk from the visitor center to the view point with a ranger volunteer, a nice lady, Ann, that has been coming to do this for 13 years.  She said she had found her park.  We walked along a path through deep forest and got an explanation of the different places that the glacier had been in prior years.  There has been a huge retreat of the glacier since 1815 when information was first available.

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