Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Day 78

August 15, 2017
This is a free day so first up was a trip to the Dawson General Store for groceries but as their milk delivery had not shown up from Seattle yet we had to also go the the Bonanza Grocery for milk.  Back to the Unity and preparation of our lunch, we had bought some halibut at the last Fred Meyer, today we had bought onion, capers and white wine for a sauce and found fresh okra so it was sautéed fish and fried okra.  We had to do something with the leftover white wine, surprising how little wine the sauce took.  After a short nap we went to the Commissioner’s House, built in 1901 in a grand architectural style

with high ceilings and single pane windows, not too smart for the Yukon.  80% of the original furnishings are still in the house that was used by the federal government’s representative in Dawson City until 1916 when Canada was deeply involved in the first world war.  After that the nuns operated a hospice for many years, amazing in a house with one bathroom.  Our guided tour also included little vignettes by two actresses playing both women and men’s parts about the history of Dawson while the house was functioning as the Commissioner’s House.

Back to the Unity where we were warned that tomorrow’s drive will be 6-7 hours due to road construction.  Boo!  Had supper of some savory pastries from the Bonanza, read some and to bed for an early start tomorrow.

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