Saturday, August 19, 2017

Day 80

August 17, 2017
50 degrees again this morning as we prepare to drive from Carmack YT to Whitehorse.  It’s 115 miles today and the roads were almost pleasant to drive, just a few spots where we thought we’d be lifted into flight.  We stopped at Breaburn Lodge for the world’s largest cinnamon roll, clearly big enough for 4 people but a disappointment in flavor but after we took it back to the Unity and put lots of butter on it in the microwave it was pretty good.  Continuing on we passed Little Fox Lake, very beautiful and natural with no development so it must be all Crown owned land around it.

Arriving in Whitehorse we again stayed at Pioneer RV Park and parked in the same site as our prior visit.  We got hooked up and drove into town where we had pedicure appointments for 2 PM with the same two girls as when we were here before working on us.  We gathered around a  campfire for our update meeting about the next couple of days and visiting. Bob’s back is better.  Susan and Paul lent us some Blue-Emu and it seems to be working.  Some scenery today.

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