Friday, August 11, 2017

Day 73

August 10, 2017
Rain during the night and rain this morning as we prepared for our drive to Tok.  Strange skies.

Some beautiful scenery though.

From Valdez to Glennallen we had already been on this highway, Alaska No. 4 also known as Richardson Highway.  It was mucho construction.

The sun came out during this stretch and became a beautiful sunny day.  Shortly after Glennallen we turned onto Alaska No. 1 toward Tok and that’s when the real trouble began.  We hit stretches that bounced us to the roof (frost heaves) so lots of 25 MPH, then stretches of loose gravel at 35 MPH, several flag-persons where the wait could run over 30 minutes before being allowed to go down into cuts that we weren’t sure we could get back out on the other side, dust, dust, dust.  254 miles today took us a little over 7 hours with a 20 minute stop for lunch of left-over pasta salad from the pot-luck the previous night.  At Tok we topped up on fuel and arrived exhausted into the Tok Village Campground where we had stayed on the way up.  Seemed like just a few minutes and we had to be at Fast Eddie’s for dinner at 6:30 PM.  We had a salad bar, grilled halibut with onion rings (vegetable, right?), and berry pie. All was delicious but too much food, too late for us.  The dinner was also a “Bon Voyage” for Bob and Sueann as they have had trouble with slides and they decided that Bob was too tired to continue with the tour so they will leave us tomorrow.  Sad, nice couple from Portland OR that love their three cats that travel with them.  So they will be enroute to Red Bay AL for Tiffin service.  Back to the Unity and straight to bed.

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