Monday, August 7, 2017

Day 69

August 6, 2017
Left the dusty campground at Glennallan enroute to Valdez, 9:00 AM with stops to see glaciers, mountains, streams.

We climbed along the Alyska Pipeline route where the pipeline was visible above ground for a long way.  The Wrangell Mountains were in evidence along the way.

The Worthington Glacier rose up in front of us

On to the Thompson Pass 3,300’ climb and down the other side toward Valdez with an exciting 12% grade for 71/2 miles.  Gives real meaning to “gear down”.
A stop at Bridal Veil Falls

then a stop at Horsetail Falls

We passed the Pack Trail of 1899 where the gold miners started their trek from Valdez to the interior of Alaska looking for the quick riches from gold.  We arrived at Bayside RV Park in Valdez about 2 PM and got set up.  Took the car for a wash, badly needed.  We do have a view of the bay if we stretch our necks to look between other rows of RV’s but the other three sides have mountain views. 

After our dinner of fried chicken and green beans we were invited to watch the 2016 Halifax Military Tattoo video on the outside big-screen TV of our neighbor.  About 12 of us.  Brought back memories of Edinburg in the 1980’s when we lived in Aberdeen.
At one of the pull-outs today we found a big Ford pickup that had lost an encounter with a moose.

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