Saturday, August 26, 2017

Day 85

August 22, 2017
The adventure continued by driving on the Alaska Highway for 1/2 mile and turning onto the BC 37 Cassiar Highway.  We drove abut 45 mph in the rain at 50 degrees hoping to see some wildlife but nothing before our stop at Jade City, lots of raw jade mined here and finished into tourist junk.  Didn’t buy any.  The scenery was beautiful even in the rain.
Driving on we came to the Stikine River, metal decked bridge crossing the river, 
then Mt. Edziza, dormant volcano.  We started looking at campgrounds in case ours was closed and as we came up an incline Iris yelled and Bob slammed on the brakes just in time to see a female moose starting to cross the road in front of us.  She veered off before getting to the pavement and returned into a pond, swam across part of the pond, stopped, looked around at us again then swam back across and went away into the trees.

Exciting!  We arrived at our campground to find it was indeed open but what a sorry excuse for a “resort”.  Anyway we got backed into a spot in the trees, had our lunch, a nap, lots of reading as no cable, no TV, no cell service, no wifi.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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