Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Day 63 & 64

July 31, 2017
Late yesterday Iris met a couple of real Alaskans that just returned from a fishing trip

Bus picked us up at the campground at 9:15 AM to take us to the public harbor where we boarded the “Coastal Explorer” 

for our Kenai Fjords National Park Wildlife and Glacier Cruise. 
Once out of the harbor we were immediately presented with a photo opportunity with two bald eagles sitting atop a buoy marker.

Then a sea otter decided to cavort for us.

About a half hour later we saw rock structures similar to the Bay of Fundy in eastern Canada.

Then a rookery of Harbor Seals

followed by a rookery of sea birds.  My advise is try to stay up-wind.

Was only able to get one puffin.

Then a whale announced his presence with a “blow” and after three time he dove giving us a view of his tail.  Iris said it was just a fluke I got the photo.  (Pun intended)

It was time to see the glaciers and they are really unbelievable.  We saw several but the highlight was when we saw icebergs in the water followed by kayaks in the water near the Aialik Glacier.

There were about 200 seals lying on the ice that had broken off the glacier face.  We also saw several huge chunks of ice calve off the glacier causing a little tsunami.

On the way back to Seward we saw a school of jellyfish.

We were served lunch on the boat and later we were on our way to Fox Island. We had a glass of wine 

as we were to have a salmon dinner on Fox Island.  The dinner was a buffet with delicious salmon and prime rib for those who chose that.  At the whistle, we returned to the boat where we were greeted with hot chocolate chip cookies.  We pulled into the small boat harbor about 6:15 and were bussed back to the Unity.  Another wonderful day, but long and tiring.

August 1, 2017
Still in Seward with a “free day”.  That means laundry at the laundromat ($19 - we’re used to paying about $8 in the lower 48) and a trip to Safeway for milk and bread.  Groceries are expensive too but we try not to look.  For lunch we fixed a couple of brochette with beef, onion, red and green peppers that we had bought at Soldotna and they were very tasty.  A short nap followed.  We finally figured out how to watch recorded programs on our Dish satellite system.  That’s good as there is no cable nor TV reception in Seward.  Some houses have large dishes aimed at the horizon.  If there is a mountain in the line of sight, forget it.  We had a chicken wrap for our dinner and early to bed.

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