Friday, June 30, 2017

Day 31

June 29, 2017
This morning turned out nice and sunny after such a day yesterday in the rain.  We had some chores that we had to do in Grande Prarie AB before we could get going, wash Unity and the Fit at a truck wash, nice to have someone else do the work.  Then fuel fill-up and another stop for propane fill-up.  Finally we were on the road toward Dawson Creek BC.  Along the way Iris spotted a herd of caribou, probably about 50 animals.

We did see one moose up close but it had been hit by a truck along the road.  Speaking of trucks, this is a booming oil and gas region and the trucks and pickup traffic is unbelievable.  All the major players in the oil service business are here and all the campgrounds are full of workers.  We arrived in Dawson Creek at 12:30 PM including a one hour time change as we continue west.  Dawson Creek is about 55,000 population and a lot of it is oil field related also.  We found the Walmart to stock up for a few days of travel on the Alcan Highway.  Dawson Creek is mile zero of the Alaska Highway.

Checked into the campground, Mile Zero RV Park, met the tour manager and the tail gunner, attended a meet and greet at 5 PM then at 6 PM we all went to George Dawson Inn for orientation and a nice buffet dinner.  Stopping at the highway sign that shows mile zero we had a group photo that will be put on Facebook for our trip (lot of good it does us), we’ll ask for a copy by email.

There are 13 rigs making 26 total folks including our tour master and tail gunner.  The RV sizes range from 21’ to 45’, ours being 25’ 1”, we’re in the lower range.  To bed early but later than usual.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Day 30

June 28.2017
Today started with 41 degrees. it had rained all night and into the time we decided to depart.  Got going onto the Trans Canada 16 for the first 43 miles, then Hwy. 40 supposedly the “Scenic Route to Alaska”.  In the first few miles we saw a coyote and an elk (female, no horns), then nothing.   Hwy. 40 was a really rough road for the first 25 miles then it got better with lots of evidence of works since the thaw.  Iris sat all day with the camera at the ready but no wildlife.  We stopped for lunch at a rest area and had a nice salad and sausages then continued on through the rain for a total today of 243 miles.  All along the way there was logging, oil, gas, and coal being extracted along muddy roads.  Some so muddy that huge equipment was required to haul the big trucks in and out of these roads.  The last 10 miles the rain stopped and the road was dry.  We found our planned RV park and decided to park on the main parking lot as we could get wifi there and not anywhere else.  Had a sandwich for dinner, a glass(s) of wine and read our books until bedtime.

Photos for the day in no particular order:

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Day 29

June 27, 2017
Tranquil morning, no driving today, breakfast then loaded our dirty laundry in the car and drove the 2 km into Jasper village, charming little town with some interesting views:
Totem pole in center of Jasper
 Jasper Information Center
 St Mary & St George Anglican Church
 Typical architecture in downtown Jasper

We found the coin laundry easily on Patricia Street, 50+ very nice, clean commercial washers and dryers, expensive (CAD$ 27.75, US$21, for our four loads), but pleasant as one corner of the building was a coffee shop with really good coffee. There were three bathrooms across the back where for C$5.00 you could have a shower.  Also they had wifi and even six computers where, for a price, you could get online. This place was popular with the hiking and tenting crowds.  After folding and reloading the car we found our chosen restaurant for lunch but it had too many yelling children so we opted to go across the street to Smitty’s where it was pleasant but the food was so-so.  After lunch we walked 20 feet to the grocery store, did some shopping, then another 50 feet we found the liquor store just where our car was parked.  Having stocked up on the necessities we made our way back to the campground at Whistler’s Mountain, made up our bed and had a nice nap.  Later we spent time getting our sums in order converting our expenses in C$ to real money, then read a while before retiring.  As Bill Clinton used to sign off in his diary “RON” - rest over night.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Day 28

 June 26, 2017

Housekeeping from yesterday - this may be a better photo of the grizzly and her two cubs:

Travel day today on what is supposed to the most scenic road in the world.  230 km through the heart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that winds through ancient glaciers, dramatic rock spires, emerald lakes and broad sweeping valleys.  Much of it was steep grades both up and down.  The Mercedes diesel took it in stride but it did require some down shifting.    Bow Summit is 6,800 feet, the highest point on the drive from Banff to Jasper and the highest elevation crossed by a public road in Canada.  Herbert Lake was the first point of interest, colors were amazing, brilliantly turquoise.   Crowfoot Glacier that no longer has the 3rd foot due to the glacier receding but still impressive, 

Athabasca Glacier where we opted not to do the bus trip onto the glacier due to the 2 hour wait.  The melt from this and the Columbia Icefield flows into the Atlantic, Pacific and the Arctic oceans.

 Athabasca Falls that were very impressive.

There were lots of places to park and hike that we did not take advantage of.  It was steep enough in the Unity much less on foot.
We stopped for lunch at a lovely spot with great views.

In spite of all the bear warnings we did not see any wildlife today if you don’t count all the Asian tourists parking cars in the RV spots.  Bob was about to go wild.  Here's one bear we saw today.

We arrived in the Jasper NP and found our way to Whistler’s campground tucked away in a forest (primitive) but with electric only.  No TV but did have cell coverage.  We researched the town of Jasper to find a laundry, grocery store, liquor store and restaurant.  Two of the four are in the same address while the other two are within 2 numbers away.  We are beginning to think Jasper is not very big.  We made an early evening of it.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Day 27

June 25,2017
Wanted to post a photo of the view of our front yard in the campground but keep forgetting:

Our day started with a light breakfast and into the car we went for our day at Lake Louise.  Our drive on the Trans-Canada Highway followed the Bow River and we had some great views of Castle Mountain, 16 km long .

Arriving in Lake Louise we parked at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise where we got some good photos and had a coffee and a danish.  In case Bob is visible without his hat you will see why he wears his hat.

Note that the glacier in the background of these photos is Mount Victoria Glacier.
From here we went to buy our tickets for the Lake Louise Gondola, boarded and immediately saw a grizzly  and her two cubs.  Hard to photograph from a ski lift when they are below you, but here is our effort.

The ride up took about 30 minutes and provided some fantastic scenery.  At the top we found the Whitehorn Bistro where we had a very nice lunch.  From here you have a view of 10 mountain peaks.  Some of the views from here below:

Coming down after our lunch we did not see any more wildlife but it was scenic.  A short drive and we were at Morraine Lake, a beautiful view that graced a prior Canadian $20 bill.  Some photos:

Back in Lake Louise village, we tried to get money from an ATM but that did not work, we found a nice market that had an ATM machine and Iris finally suggested we use a debit card.  That worked beautifully.  We now have funds.

A drive back part of the way on the A-1 that was known as the Bow Valley Parkway, limited to 40 MPH and providing lots of forest views.  

Back at our Unity we realized the temps were now 85F, so quite a change from this AM.  Our trusty A/C got us down to a comfortable temp quickly .  We enjoyed some of our purchases from the Village Market for our evening meal and after a read it was off to bed.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Day 26

June 24, 2017
At leisure this AM, 42 degrees, very light breakfast, drove into downtown Banff to the hardware store, found one of two requirements, expensive.  Then to have our really dirty Honda Fit washed (self service).  We went to the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, originally built by the Canadian Pacific Railroad (one in Banff, one in Lake Louise and one in Jasper), for train passengers to come and stay in this beautiful area of Canada.  Anyway lunch was decided as the weekend brunch in the Bow Valley Grill and it was  worth the price of C$47 (USD36) each.  After stuffing ourselves we returned to the car to find a chap in full Scotland dress practicing his bagpipes that he would play later that afternoon for his son's wedding at the hotel.  

Then we drove to Canmore, about 10 miles away and found a barber shop so Bob could get his summer haircut.  Iris is not impressed.
Then a drive to Lake Minnewanka to take a boat trip on the lake with our female captain and guide.  they were delightful and our wildlife sighting was a bald eagle.  

Arriving safely back at the dock we departed for our campground at Tunnel Mountain II.  It was a most enjoyable day.
Some photos of the scenery of our Lake Minnewanka tour:

Back to our Unity we had some wine and a light dinner and read some before crashing into bed.