Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Days 98 and 99

September 4, 2017
Smoke, smoke, smoke today from all the fires.  Fortunately none of the roads we needed were closed.  Left Oakland, OR on our way to Yreka, CA.  Not far today, 173 miles, cooked our lunch after arriving at the campground at Yreka, nice campground but we stayed inside with the A/C running to avoid breathing the smoke as much as possible.  Had a nap then watched the news then early to bed.

September 5, 2017

Still smoke today in Yreka, filled the propane tank, drove about quarter mile to Les Schwab to have the extra tire for the motorhome, that we had carried all the way to and from Alaska, put on the motorhome.  Finally we needed to change the right front tire that had been ruined by mis-alignment before leaving on this trip.  With the new tire installed we left Yreka for Orland CA.  About 2 PM we lost most of the smoke and what a relief.  We sadly cancelled our reservations for Yosemite and Sequoia due to the fires near there.  So the plans change on the fly.  Had lunch at a rest stop then continued until we arrived in the campground at Orland, kind of spooky with only 5 rigs in this very large campground.  Reminds one of the Bates Motel.  No TV but reasonable Wifi.  Early night and tomorrow we continue to Olema.
This was what it looked like leaving Yreka

And this is what it looked like as we got out of the smoke and arrived Orland CA

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