Thursday, September 21, 2017

Days 112, 113 & 114

September 18, 2017
Left Cachuma Lake and drove to Indio CA to spend the night.

September 19, 2017
Drove from Indio to Goodman AZ, suburb of Phoenix and only 13 miles from La Mesa RV where we intend to have some service done on the Unity.

September 20, 2017

Arrived at La Mesa Rv  and they were expecting us.  The service manager and service writer listened to our list of items we wanted addressed and they proceeded to get started.  We had expected it to only take a couple of hours but they ran into more than expected so we shopped at a nearby Walmart then had a nice lunch at Red Lobster and returned to the customer waiting room.  Finally at 4 PM we were advised that the Unity was ready so we finally got away in time to get into the rush hour traffic leaving Phoenix heading toward Tucson.  We drove until until about 6:30 to arrive at the Picacho Peak RV Resort.  Had a glass of wine and a hot dog, Iris’ favorite meal, and went to bed.  So far it looks like the repairs and fixes by La Mesa were successful.  Yea!
Arizona desert scenery

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