Monday, September 18, 2017

Day 111

September 17, 2017
At leisure this morning, breakfast, talked to Robin to get update on her health, then to the laundry at the Cachuma Lake Campground where the sign on the door said “Closed”.  Iris went to investigate, found the door open and two dryers going so we went in, loaded our clothes into washers, swiped the credit card on each machine and proceeded to get clean.  Never did find why the sign was out.  Finished up with that chore and got the grill out and fixed some ribs that we enjoyed with a salad and the bottle of rose we had purchased at Lincourt Winery yesterday.  All good!  Then a nap as the Cowboys game was not shown on the west coast, bummer.  As it turned out probably didn’t want to see it.  Bob cleaned up the grill in order to put it into travel mode as tomorrow starts our return to Georgetown.  Watched a little TV then read before bedtime.

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