Monday, September 18, 2017

Day 110

September 16, 2017
Even though we missed seeing Robin she had recommendations for our day in the Santa Inez Valley.  So our first stop about noon was Lincourt Winery where we tasted a couple of chardonnay samples and one rose, very like what we used to get in Provence.  Met some other tasters from Santa Barbara and had some interesting conversations with them.

Then a short drive to “The Wine Merchant & Cafe” in Los Olives for a fab lunch.  Bob had a grilled tuna salad and Iris chose a pizza, both very good.  From lunch we walked to a garden center but different as it was not plant sale but sale of every kind of garden ornament, fountain, furniture, wind chime and decoration we have ever seen.  After finding our car we made our way back to the Unity in time for a short nap, happy hour and the Texas-USC football game.  Great game but disappointed that Texas lost in double overtime.  

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