Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Day 115, 116, 117 & 118

September 21, 2017
From Picacho Peak we drive through Tucson then on to Las Cruces NM for a two-night stay at Hacienda RV Resort.  Iris drove about half way today.  We were very pleased with the park.   Tired after a long day drive but it allows us to have two nights to recover.  We re-learning about hot weather.  Hot!

September 22, 2017
Did some Unity cleaning today then in time for lunch we drove to Mesilla and La Posta for lunch at this place we've been going to for many years.

September 23, 2017
From Las Cruces with rain we drove through (by) El Paso, got fuel at Valero, cheap compared to what we’ve been paying.  Stopped at a rest area just east of El Paso and then continued on and shortly the rain stopped and Iris took over the driving chore.  We stopped in Van Horn where we had intended to spend the night but only got fuel then continued on to Ft Stockton RV Park, nice place.  They have a restaurant on site so we had chicken fried steak for our dinner.  Been missing that wonderful basic food.  Makes one feel sorry for all the folks that don’t know about it.  Early to bed as we will try and make it to Fredericksburg tomorrow.

September 24, 2017
Left Ft Stockton early and drove I10 going east through some rugged country

Arrived Fredericksburg and, as it was still early, we got fuel and continued our journey to arrive home in Georgetown by 4:30 PM, one day earlier than expected.  So this is our last entry to this report of our adventure in US National Parks, Canada and Alaska.  It has been a blast.  We’re really glad we did it, but also decided we won’t need to do it again.    Arrived home to find we have wildlife in our yard, not unusual.

Total days 118
Total 12,301 miles for the trip.

Total cost - Don’t ask!

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