Thursday, March 22, 2018

Trip to Perry GA

Sunday, March 11, 2018
Left Allatoona Park vowing never to return because of the trains and headed to Athens on  I-75 but amazingly there was little traffic.  Obviously folks are not racing to their local church this Sunday.  From I-75 to I-285 to I-85 got us to 319 that took us to Athens where we arrived shortly after noon.  Randall & Carolyn helped us get the motorhome set up in their rear parking area and then the fun began.  Much visiting and home-made chili with cornbread sustained us.  A nap in the afternoon for Iris while Bob helped Randall prepare a dish to take to a party at their friends’ home.  Tuna from Italy with potatoes with lots of olive oil and it was well received and delicious.  At the party we met at the home of Tom & Kathy.  We had met them at their house exactly a year ago while we were in Athens.  Very nice party and people with lots of food and wine that everyone brought.  Quiet evening after we got to bed, no trains!

Monday, March 12, 2018
Had a light breakfast in the motorhome then coffee with Randall & Carolyn to plan our day.  We sat and talked until time to run some errands then ended up at “The National” for a great lunch with a nice Italian red.  Met the chef who is a friend of Randall & Carolyn.  Back to the motorhome for a nice long nap and at about 5:30 we started preparing the soup Carolyn had made for our supper.  We enjoyed some of the tuna/potato dish from last night, caviar spread on crackers and the winter soup with a couple of bottles of red to enhance it all.  Made our way to bed about 10 PM.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Today we went to “Uncommon Gourmet” for some frozen wild caught Alaska fish for our freezer as well as some Italian wine to enjoy while in Athens.  Also a stop at Trader Joe’s.

Wednesday March 14, 2018
Iris and Carolyn went to a breakfast and an interesting program for University of Georgia women’s basketball supporters.  Lots of tall women there.  Left Athens after saying our goodbyes to the Abneys and after getting fuel at Walmart it was away to Perry.  The rural roads of GA were fun to drive and the scenery is so much better than the back of trucks on the interstate.  Arriving in Perry we were parked promptly and being almost 5 PM we did not get to register, so had our happy hour and some supper with some TV.  Then a visit from Robert and Brenda, our friends from when we were in Winkler, Manitoba at the Unity (motorhome) factory last June.  They had arrived on the 13th so already knew the ropes and got us caught up to date.

Thursday, March 15, 2018
Up early to get registered and sign up for services available at the convention.  We met up with Robert & Brenda at the Tiffin motorhome exhibit to show them the new motorhome that we have on order.  The count for the convention was 2,940 RV’s so it was successful.  Lots of coach displays as well as exhibitors selling everything you can imagine for RV’s.  After lots of walking we opted out of the evening entertainment and had an early evening in the motorhome.

Friday March 16, 2018
Coffee and donuts this morning while the musicians entertained us in the big tent.  We then strolled through the indoor exhibits, Bob went to a seminar, we bought a new tire pressure monitoring system for the new motorhome, had lunch at a BBQ stand plus a dish of peach cobbler with ice cream.  The evening entertainment was a group of men from Macon who sang songs from the ’50’s, ’60’s, and ’70's.  Fun!. Lots of folks up dancing so everyone had a good time.  We left a few minutes early in order to get a tram back to our coach but there was a driving rain storm and after a long wait we finally got a golf cart that took us back.

Saturday March 19, 2018
Coffee and donuts again this morning.  We could learn to love this.  Met up with Robert and Brenda again an looked at some more exhibitors booths.  The evening entertainment was by a group called “Macon Pops” and we thought the music was a little too 70’s for us.  We expected it to be more big band sound but were disappointed so we left early and back to the coach.

Sunday March 20, 2018
We decided that we would leave a day early in order to get home a day early so after getting everything stowed we took off again on the GA backroads until we found I-85 that took us to our overnight stop at Greenville AL and the Sherling Lake Park, city owned and in a very wooded setting.

Monday March 21, 2018
From Greenville we drove I-85 until we hit I-10 to Bay St Louis MS where we spent the night.

Tuesday March 22, 2018
Left Bay St Louis and back on I-10 West.  We stopped in Baton Rouge to have lunch at Acme Oyster House with our sister in law, Merleane.   245 miles today to A+ Motel & Campground in Sulphur, LA where we have stayed several time in this nice park.  Arrived just in time to see the news, have happy hour and a sandwich.  Tiring day.  Iris went to bed early, Bob watched a Celtics game.

Wednesday March 23, 2018
Today we left Sulphur LA and drove all the way home to Georgetown.  309 miles.  We try not to drive more than 250 miles in a day but anxious to get home.  So real life starts again tomorrow.

Bluebonnets near Brenham, TX on the way home

Sunday, March 11, 2018

On the road to Perry GA

Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Departed Georgetown in our Unity motorhome, driving I-35 North, with all the trucks coming out of Mexico, to Waco where we left the freeway and traveled Hwy 31 toward Tyler through lovely green fields, some trees budding out and the odd jonquil in bloom, past lots of cattle in the pastures and a couple of buffalo chomping grass.  A beautiful drive until we got to Tyler and continued east on I-20 with more trucks.  Upon arrival in Longview we entered our campground for the night, Fernbrook Park, a very nice comfortable park.  We were tired so a little happy hour, a snack and to bed.

Thursday, March 8, 2018
From Longview, we got fuel and began our day traveling toward Shreveport LA and after much maneuvering of really bad streets we arrived at Ralph & Kacoo’s seafood restaurant where we used to eat a lot and today we ate a lot again.  Iris claimed the crab was good while Bob had grilled and fried catfish fillets with a fantastic sauce after we both had seafood gumbo.  Our waiter, Jamershea, was attentive and was helpful making our choices.  When asked how he got such a name it seems his father had an African roommate in college with that name so hung it on his son when he was born.
From Shreveport we continued on through Monroe crossing the Ouachita River then further east we left LA by crossing the Mississippi River to arrive at Vicksburg MS.  Our park here was River Town Campground and another great choice.  Bob tried to get the satellite dish set up but was unsuccessful so we watched the one channel available on antenna.  Called Dish about the problem but wait time was too long so another early night.

Friday, March 9, 2018
Vicksburg and another fuel stop where we knew the price was good as they were covered up with dump trucks.  Finally got filled up and back onto I-20 to Jackson and Meridian.  Had a stop for lunch at the Alabama Welcome Center, a huge truck parking area that was unoccupied so we were able to put out our slide room and open the door while we cooked fried chicken and left-over carrots from Ralph & Kacoo’s then enjoyed our meal.  Continuing from the LA/MS border on I-20 we had lots of trucks and cars until we got to Birmingham and Pelham, our destination for the Birmingham South RV Park.  Nice enough park, large, former KOA so sites very close.  Got set up and found that our tow car, Honda Fit, had dead battery.  Seems our charger from the motorhome was not functioning and the phantom power eaters ran the battery down.  The fun was only beginning - a busy train crossing lies less than 100 yards from the campground and trains blew their whistles every 15 minutes all night.  Not much rest.  We’ve marked our book so we don’t stay here again.

Saturday, March 10, 2018
We left the noisy campground at Pelham and after getting fuel, our most expensive diesel so far on this trip, it was back to I-20 to continue East.  Crossing the border between AL and GA we stopped at the GA Visitor Center for a rest stop and continued on to Hwy 61 and turned north to get to Cartersville.  This road was through a combination of built-up commercial and residential, very hilly so on the two-lane the folks behind were probably not too happy with our speed but we maintained the posted limit.  There were large areas of just woods so it was a pleasant drive and it allowed us to avoid 70 miles of interstate highways including I-75 that is such a mess with traffic.  We arrived at the Allatoona Park, checked in, got the power and water connected and just as we sat down the rain started.  We had a quick sandwich snack listening to the rain.  Just as we were ready to leave to visit our friends, Collyn & Helga in Acworth GA the rain stopped long enough for us to get to the car.  Helga was a neighbor when we lived in New Orleans in 1980 and after we left NO she and Collyn married 33 years ago.  They will both be 87 this year and while their travels have been curtailed they still enjoy life.  We had asked them to choose their favorite restaurant and we’d all go to dinner.  Little did we know that involved a drive into downtown Atlanta on I-75 but Collyn drove so no bother.  We had a great dinner at Babette’s Cafe and if you’re in Atlanta it’s worth a visit.  Saying our goodbyes we drove back to the campground about 12 miles distant and were glad to see our bed.  We lost an hour today crossing from AL to GA then after we went to bed we lost another hour with DST.  
It rained all night but that muted the sound of the trains which were nearby again.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Day 115, 116, 117 & 118

September 21, 2017
From Picacho Peak we drive through Tucson then on to Las Cruces NM for a two-night stay at Hacienda RV Resort.  Iris drove about half way today.  We were very pleased with the park.   Tired after a long day drive but it allows us to have two nights to recover.  We re-learning about hot weather.  Hot!

September 22, 2017
Did some Unity cleaning today then in time for lunch we drove to Mesilla and La Posta for lunch at this place we've been going to for many years.

September 23, 2017
From Las Cruces with rain we drove through (by) El Paso, got fuel at Valero, cheap compared to what we’ve been paying.  Stopped at a rest area just east of El Paso and then continued on and shortly the rain stopped and Iris took over the driving chore.  We stopped in Van Horn where we had intended to spend the night but only got fuel then continued on to Ft Stockton RV Park, nice place.  They have a restaurant on site so we had chicken fried steak for our dinner.  Been missing that wonderful basic food.  Makes one feel sorry for all the folks that don’t know about it.  Early to bed as we will try and make it to Fredericksburg tomorrow.

September 24, 2017
Left Ft Stockton early and drove I10 going east through some rugged country

Arrived Fredericksburg and, as it was still early, we got fuel and continued our journey to arrive home in Georgetown by 4:30 PM, one day earlier than expected.  So this is our last entry to this report of our adventure in US National Parks, Canada and Alaska.  It has been a blast.  We’re really glad we did it, but also decided we won’t need to do it again.    Arrived home to find we have wildlife in our yard, not unusual.

Total days 118
Total 12,301 miles for the trip.

Total cost - Don’t ask!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Days 112, 113 & 114

September 18, 2017
Left Cachuma Lake and drove to Indio CA to spend the night.

September 19, 2017
Drove from Indio to Goodman AZ, suburb of Phoenix and only 13 miles from La Mesa RV where we intend to have some service done on the Unity.

September 20, 2017

Arrived at La Mesa Rv  and they were expecting us.  The service manager and service writer listened to our list of items we wanted addressed and they proceeded to get started.  We had expected it to only take a couple of hours but they ran into more than expected so we shopped at a nearby Walmart then had a nice lunch at Red Lobster and returned to the customer waiting room.  Finally at 4 PM we were advised that the Unity was ready so we finally got away in time to get into the rush hour traffic leaving Phoenix heading toward Tucson.  We drove until until about 6:30 to arrive at the Picacho Peak RV Resort.  Had a glass of wine and a hot dog, Iris’ favorite meal, and went to bed.  So far it looks like the repairs and fixes by La Mesa were successful.  Yea!
Arizona desert scenery

Monday, September 18, 2017

Day 111

September 17, 2017
At leisure this morning, breakfast, talked to Robin to get update on her health, then to the laundry at the Cachuma Lake Campground where the sign on the door said “Closed”.  Iris went to investigate, found the door open and two dryers going so we went in, loaded our clothes into washers, swiped the credit card on each machine and proceeded to get clean.  Never did find why the sign was out.  Finished up with that chore and got the grill out and fixed some ribs that we enjoyed with a salad and the bottle of rose we had purchased at Lincourt Winery yesterday.  All good!  Then a nap as the Cowboys game was not shown on the west coast, bummer.  As it turned out probably didn’t want to see it.  Bob cleaned up the grill in order to put it into travel mode as tomorrow starts our return to Georgetown.  Watched a little TV then read before bedtime.

Day 110

September 16, 2017
Even though we missed seeing Robin she had recommendations for our day in the Santa Inez Valley.  So our first stop about noon was Lincourt Winery where we tasted a couple of chardonnay samples and one rose, very like what we used to get in Provence.  Met some other tasters from Santa Barbara and had some interesting conversations with them.

Then a short drive to “The Wine Merchant & Cafe” in Los Olives for a fab lunch.  Bob had a grilled tuna salad and Iris chose a pizza, both very good.  From lunch we walked to a garden center but different as it was not plant sale but sale of every kind of garden ornament, fountain, furniture, wind chime and decoration we have ever seen.  After finding our car we made our way back to the Unity in time for a short nap, happy hour and the Texas-USC football game.  Great game but disappointed that Texas lost in double overtime.  

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Day 109

September 15, 2017
Woke this morning with a friend on a post nearby.

Hearst Castle at San Simeon was our destination for a visit today.  We got there just before 9 AM, opening time, to find we were the first RV in the special parking area for RV’s.  A short walk brought us to the window to pick up our tickets, had a coffee and muffin as our breakfast then waited for our special bus to take us up the 5 mile road to the castle where we were offloaded to a big golf cart and our driver, Colleen, whisked us up to the kitchen entrance that is not part of the normal tours.  We spent quite a bit of time there.  

We had booked an accessibly designed tour to avoid the hundreds of steps required on regular tours.  Then we were to meet the regular house tour but the other couple with us asked Colleen if she could lead us on the tour.  She agreed as her only duty was to take care of us so we essentially had a private tour with only the five of us in each of the rooms - a bonus for photos and good for asking questions.   We saw all the rooms just ahead of the big group.  A bit about the house before we describe our tour.  In 1919, newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst hired San Francisco architect Julia Morgan to build a hilltop house on what he called his “ranch at San Simeon”.  Their collaboration on the project lasted from 1919 to 1947.  Morgan designed this Mediterranean Revival estate and filled it with art and antiques from Hearst’s vast collection.  Hearst formally named the estate “La Cuesta Encantada” (The Enchanted Hill).  Today, Hearst Castle is a California State Park for over 50 years now.  The exterior:

The cottages, Casa del Monte (House of the Mountain) was built first, very small at 2400 square feet, used while the big house was being constructed.

Next built was the Casa del Sol (House of the Sun) as a guest house, 8 bedrooms and bathrooms, 5600 square feet.  

Last was Casa del Mar (House of the Sea) with fantastic views toward the Pacific Ocean, larger still and used by Mr. Hearst for many years while the big house was constructed.  

The big house was called Casa Grande and follows the Mediterranean Revival Style of the rest of the estate with the primary focus found in the architecture of Southern Spain.  The design precedent for Casa Grande’s bell towers came from a cathedral in Rhonda Spain and overall the structure has a church-like appearance.  It is made of poured concrete reinforced with steel and is approximately 68,500 square feet containing 115 rooms including the assembly room (living room), 

dining room, 

billiards room,

38 bedrooms, a library, movie theatre, 

kitchen, gardens

and living quarters for the household staff.  There are two tennis courts and both indoor and outdoor swimming pools.

After the tour we watched a 40 minute IMAX movie about Hurst’s life.  We had a very enjoyable time at Hearst Castle and from here we drove to the town of San Simeon for a light lunch then 115 miles to our campground at Cachuma Lake about 18 miles from Santa Barbara.  The lake is very low so we have only a sliver of view out our kitchen window.  The purpose of this stop was to visit Robin but we found her  with several problems including sinus infection so we three decided it would be best to visit by phone not in person.