Wednesday, June 8, 2016

June 6, 2016

Drove from Roussillon in our little red Peugeot to the Bordeaux region taking 9 hours total including one stop for coffee, one stop for lunch and one stop for a photo of Carcassonne, the fortified medieval hilltop town that we had visited back in the 1990’s.  This was our view from the view point on the motorway.

We were blessed with beautiful weather for our drive with temperatures ranging from 75-81 until clouds started to move in around 4 PM.  After leaving the motorway we traveled  on very narrow winding roads through the vineyards to the little village of Les Salles de Castillon where just past we found “The Blue Raisin”, our B&B for the next six nights.  

Originally an old farmhouse and animal barns it has been transformed into the owner’s house, three rental rooms and barn.   Lawns surround the house with two large horse chestnut trees in front.  The view from our room is across the vineyards for at least a couple of miles until the hill blocks the view.  Beautiful setting.

Yves met us as we got out of the car and showed us the breakfast room then helped us carry our bags to the room, Joie de Lavande, all done in purples and lavender.  A big room with huge bathroom including a shower with the biggest rain head we ever saw and a separate toilet room, 360 square feet.

Yves brought us a glass of rose wine that was produced from the vines next to the house, very refreshing, then we had our supper of pate, cheese, olives and olive oil crackers that we had brought from home.  Wi-fi in the room so we watched yesterday’s news from the U.S.  and checked our emails.  Tired from our drive, we were in bed by 9 PM.

Les Salles de Castillon is home to 371 folks.  There are no services or shops so we don’t know where our bread will come for for breakfast tomorrow.

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