Monday, June 13, 2016

June 12, 2016

We said our goodbyes this morning  then boarded our Peugeot with a stop in a near-by village for fuel then took off toward Provence.  Beautiful drive until we got to the motorway then not as good.  Had a long tail-back of over 30 minutes while the rescue folks extracted someone from their car.  The medical helicopter landed on our side of the highway so traffic was stopped for several miles behind us.  Once we saw the copter take off we knew it wouldn’t be long so all the folks out of their cars smoking, talking, playing football jumped back in and we were off again.  It was exactly 610 km from the B&B to our house and we did it in about 8 hours including the fuel stop, a coffee and a lunch stop.  So not bad.  It was a great trip and something we really needed and enjoyed.

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