Saturday, June 25, 2016

June 22, 2016

Second anniversary celebration for this our 41st year.
We drove to San Remy to take in the Wednesday market, had a coffee on the square and admired all the stuff on offer.  Then we made a stop at the winery, Le Mas des Dames, for a tasting of their rose,  it was so good we bought a couple of bottles.  Iris carried it to the car.

Then a short drive to the village of Paradou and our lunch reservation at Bistrot du Paradou.  We determined this was our 22nd year to enjoy their wonderful meals.  Our starter was grilled eggplant with tomato coulis followed by roast rabbit for Bob and grilled lamb chops for Iris  all enjoyed with a bottle of the house red (included, and should be).  The cheese platter followed, then dessert - ice cream for Bob and creme brulee for Iris then a coffee for Bob.  We were stuffed.  Then had to drive home, about one and one half hours, hard to stay awake after such a meal.  We always enjoy Bistrot du Paradou and it looks like we'll be there again next year for our anniversary as we've had only one looker for our house that has now been on the market for some time.  Only takes one.
But a great day out!

This is for Nancy because she always has the perfect French accent when summoning the waiter:

 The cheese tray.  Some of you will have enjoyed this with us in the past.

This is Vincent's (owner) brother multitasking including the wine bottle in his apron.

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