Monday, June 13, 2016

June 11, 2016

Aubeterre-sur-Dronne is our destination today after we enjoyed our breakfast with the couple from Belgium and the Aussies that we found delightful.  They left this morning and after a long chat with the Aussies we got away a little late. We had worried about the weather (not necessary), arrived with sunshine at this picturesque village  in the Charente region.  We parked in the upper car park and walked down to the village past the senior housing converted from the old convent (plus some new modern flats).  Shortly thereafter we found the lower parking lot with plenty of space, in fact this is where Bob fell in love.  Panther cars were all in a row, about 15 of these beauties, the owners were having a rally and just showing the cars to anyone who wanted to see them.  Being proud owners they were easily convinced to lift the bonnets and boots and discuss all aspects of how they acquired them.  Met two men, one a Scot living in the south of England and one French, they were very gracious in their conversations about their cars.  They were made in England between 1972 and 1990, so not really classic cars.  Now Bob wants one.  (Google Panther cars).  

After a good while (Iris patting foot) we walked on to the main square of the village where we found the Brassiere on the corner of the square and we sat down inside as we were unsure about the rain.  A lovely Irish lass owned the place and was not only a wealth of information but prepared us the best hamburger we’ve had since Dale’s.  Iris found this on TripAdvisor and the burgers were touted highly.   The chocolate fondant was incredible too.

We had a walk around the village - the underground church, not available to see due to a wedding taking place, the old hospital, Saint Jacques 11th C church, the old convent (now part of the senior housing), many beautiful homes along the streets and shops.  About 300 full-time residents and another 3-400 part time residents.  We were told that 19 nationalities were resident so it’s a popular place especially with the Brits.

Nice drive back with some rain but clearing by the time we arrived.  Had our wine outside with a new couple from Florida who had just checked in.  They had just completed walking 100 miles of the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.  Later smoked salmon for our supper and read until sleepy.

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