Saturday, November 5, 2016

Latest news first - we sold our house in France!
Friday, November 4 we had the formal closing with the buyer and notaire and as they say "The check's in the mail".  As our friend Bill said "Happy Times!".  This has been a difficult time showing the house, not having lookers, finally having lookers and then an offer that we quickly snapped up.  As this is being written we are in a hotel at the airport in Marseille waiting to fly out tomorrow for home.
But it's not all been all work and no play.
The balloon carrying tourists came over the house in Roussillon several time a week.

We had some summer evenings at a local winery where we had music, food and some good wine.

We sold our beloved Peugeot 207 to one of the real estate agents that sold the house.

We had some great meals at some of our favorite restaurants.

Some of the fall colors of Provence:

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand it when people complain about moving. I end up moving every couple of years for one reason or another. I love packing things up, shedding possessions I forgot I had and preparing for a new home and new adventures. Most of my moves have been within the same city, never out of the country. How exciting!

    Shelley Hubbard @ Tulsa Real Estate Web
